I believe that most important things cant buy with money, and also believe that most nice things in life like smile, love, friendship are free. Don't like make life complicated, love to develop myself and try new things.
I believe that happiness its our choice and I can say that in general I am happy person, only what I need for complete happiness its someone who think similar and who is ready enjoy life together!!
Would be nice to find easy going man with positive view on life, nobody is perfect, but would be nice if my man will not snore)) other things I can forgive)) In relationship I would like to see person who can make compromises, who can tell what he likes and what he expect from relationship. I believe that possible build harmonic relationship full of love and happiness, if you think same way write me and we will try build it together!!
Date | Title | Width x Height | Duration | View | 2019-05-24 | Be positive in every situation!! | 640 x 360 | 1:38 | View |