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How to impress a woman

blondesexgirlsWith no doubts Russian and Ukrainian girls are the most charming and attractive in the world – thousands of men from different countries are ready to confirm it. Even the statistics show that there is only one Ukrainian man married to a foreign woman for more than thirty Ukrainian brides dating foreigners. But it would be a big mistake to look at Ukrainian women as to somebody from different planet. We should remember that actually there are some general rules that are relevant for all the women. So let’s look at the issue with more attention. The Western society is emancipated and it is an obvious fact that does not need any confirmation. Just spend some weeks in the USA or Germany and you will see that men in these countries pay much more attention to what they look like while the women are not obsessed with being always beautiful and hot. The people are more “equalized” and we can keep on disputing whether it is good or bad, however a man should always stay a man. Acting properly means being strong, self-sufficient and keep your word. These qualities are the most important for women. They prefer guys who have their own unique way and who are loyal to their credo and it does not mean that these men should necessarily be wealthy or look like a Hollywood star.

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Act like a man

By the way, it would be just awesome if you devote some time to learning new things about etiquette, man’s look and other things that may be necessary for a true gentleman.

Look like a man

Men’s style is a very interesting phenomenon. The borders here are very vague and sometimes seem not to exist at all. The greatest level is to choose clothes and accessories making your look neat and stylish but not to look like a hipster or a metrosexual. Both American and Ukrainian ladies would prefer to have a guy who looks manly. It is much easier than you think – just don’t exaggerate the role of new jeans and shirts. Choose the clothes that complements your style but not completely changes it.

Be a mann


This part is probably the most difficult to understand and even more difficult to follow. But if you manage to get the idea of “being a real man” you will not have to suffer from lack of women’s attention anymore. You should value your time and efforts and never let anybody manipulate you. Being a real man means that your life is determined only by you and by no one else. Feel the responsibility, enjoy it and it will attract new women into your life.

The good news is that if you feel it once you will never forget it. Being a man resembled riding a bicycle – feel the equilibrium and you will always feel good on a bike.

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