Search ProfilesVisitor menuHow to build a social circle that constantly brings you sexy Ukrainian women?Social circle game is the most important game that you must master because it not only helps you get hot girls, but also upgrades your connections – this skill will benefit your business as well. Now here are some simple steps that you can take to build a powerful social circle that continuously brings you attractive Ukrainian women.
Step 1: Go to an upscale club that you know. Do some research online and go to an upscale club this Friday night. When you are in the club, approach some high-profile men and gorgeous women. Then you ask them, “Which other clubs do you go to?” This question should appear as a casual question in your small talk with them. So they will naturally tell you which other clubs they also go to. You can write down the names of these clubs as notes on your smart phone when you go to the toilet. You’ll be glad to know that the most powerful men in western countries are actually dating Ukrainian women (or women who are similar to Ukrainian girls, e.g. Donald Trump’s dating preference). That type is oftentimes the No. 1 choice of male celebrities in America. ![]()
Step 2: Search the names of these upscale clubs on social media. You can go to Instagram and search the names of these upscale nightclubs. Then you will see many photos of people who have been to these clubs. Notice what they wear and how they behave, and you will have a better understanding of the vibes and expectations in these upscale clubs. So you can prepare yourself accordingly. Maybe you should upgrade your wardrobe so that your style can match these upscale clubs. You can buy two good outfits and wear them when you go out. If you decide to wear jewelry, make sure you don’t buy anything that look cheap, so good options are simple and chic accessories that don’t cost too much but still look expensive. Remember: beauties from Ukraine have seen a lot of high-profile men, so if you don’t look the part, they won’t pay attention to you. ![]()
Step 3: When you actually go to these upscale clubs regularly, you should approach the most powerful men first. This sounds a bit strange – why should you approach a guy first? Well, the answer is simple: You need to find a gateway guy who can introduce hot Ukrainian stunners to you. And the truth is usually, the most powerful guys are dating sexy Ukrainian models, so you must know these men first. When you notice a rich guy in the club, you can become his friend by paying him a compliment, “Your watch looks great.” That rich guy probably has spent two thousand dollars for a table in the club, so if you become his friend, he will share his resources (hot Ukrainian beauties) with you. If this guy doesn’t have any eye candy on his arms, that’s even better, because now you can pick up some girls and bring them to his table. In other words, you are using girls as value to become this rich guy’s friend. And you are also using this rich guy as value to meet those hot women (you can pick up hot chicks by saying, “My friend has ordered too many drinks over there. Would you like to have some?” So of course, women want free drinks.) If you do that well, this rich guy will frequently drive a BMW to pick you up and take you to the most expensive club in the future. Better still, you can always take girls to his house which has many bedrooms so that you can get laid easily in the city center. ![]()
Step 4: If you failed to approach the richest guy in the club, you can still approach the club promoters. A club promoter is a man who brings sexy women to the nightclub. In other words, this guy’s job is to find as many hot women as possible and introduce them to the club. Therefore, meeting the club promoter is of vital importance in your game. Usually, the hottest girls in town are Ukrainian ladies because they are very well-known for their beauty. So you can approach the club promoter and become his friend first. Adding value to his life is the best way to become his friend because everyone is thinking, “What’s in it for me?” Hence, you can say this to the club promoter, “I have an event coming up next month. I think you should come because I’ll introduce you to some of my great friends who may help you with your career.” That’s the perfect line because: 1) it gives you a reason to ask for his phone number; 2) it tells him that you will add value to his life. As a result, the club promoter will automatically bring hot Ukrainian beauties to you every week.