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Why Ukrainian women are better

sexukringirlsOne can argue about the difference between women from Ukraine and the West saying that both have their own advantages and disadvantages but the men from the United States and other Western countries usually prefer Ukrainian ladies to the others. Well, Russian and Ukrainian girls are really beautiful and you can always identify them in the crowd but is the appearance the only or the main factor that makes men take such decisions? Let’s look at the situation from closer distance. It is a very deep and complicated topic to discuss. The difference in behavior between Western and Ukrainian women is incredible and it is impossible to notice it. Generally girls from Slavic countries are brought up with the knowledge of how a real woman should behave and what a real woman should look like. Western society is much more democratic in such issues and on the one hand it lets women feel more comfortable and natural but on the other hand it makes them lose in a battle for men. Westerners often say that Ukrainian brides attract them with their feminine behavior and that you always want to be a true gentleman near such a girl – open doors for her, pay for her etc.

By the way, the most curious thing here is that actually American and European women also like such attitude but they typically do not expect it from their own men. Sometimes when a Western woman dates a guy from a Slavic country she realizes all the disadvantages of emancipation and changes a lot. But such cases can be called exclusions.

Career ambitions

Men who have some experience of Ukrainian dating often say that girls from Ukraine can never be called lazy – on the contrary, they are very diligent in work and studies but they cannot be called “workaholics” or obsessed with their careers. Everybody would like to have a decent job with decent money but not everybody is ready to sacrifice his or her private life for it.

Women in the West to often commit one and the same mistake – they postpone private life and creating family preferring to work hard now. But there is no sense in living that way when all the coolest is supposed to happen in future.

The women from Ukraine, Russian and Belarus agree that a good job is important for both men and women but they never overestimate it and never demand from their significant others to be rich. Money is two or three times less important in Ukraine than in the USA.

Family life


Ukrainian women are great mothers – family values are engrained by their parents. Family for Slavic people is the only thing that matters and the bigger the family is the happier everyone is. Financial problems prevent Ukrainians to have big families in their country but they gladly do it abroad.

More than that you can always be sure that your Ukrainian wife will have close contact with the kids and that she will never ask you to hire a babysitter. A kid always needs a mother but not a replacement even really good one.

Choosing a Ukrainian girl to marry foreigner gets not only a cute girl who looks like a princess 365 days a year but also a faithful ukraine wife and a loving mother of his children.

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