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What do Ukrainian women find annoying?

When we are interacting with someone from abroad, our biggest fear is to accidentally insult the partner by doing or saying something wrong. That is why it is usually easier to communicate with the people from the similar background. If we have a romantic relationship with a foreigner, then we are especially concerned about communication being successful. It is good to be aware of the things that might upset your partner. There a couple of things about the Ukrainian women that you should keep in mind.

Ukrainian women

No signs of being a home-dictator

Even if you have been dating with a Ukrainian for a while, you might not be sure about her family history. There is the chance that she comes from a family, where the father was trying to control everything. Girls either look up to their fathers or look for someone to be totally opposite. If this is the case, do not let yourself show the signs that would make her think that you are the same type of guy as her dad. She might not even get the whole picture of you, but it will scare her off. This kind of behavior also includes being too jealous and trying to control every step of a woman. After all, she is a grown up person, and even though she might be living in a foreign country, she can handle things on her own. The more you how trust the stronger will the relationship get.

If you drink too much and/or hide your drinking

Do not nourish the hope that if you marry a Ukrainian you will get an additional drinking buddy. It is true, that people from Eastern Europe see a lot of alcoholism in their everyday life. However, it does not mean that they tolerate it. So if you want to have a successful marriage with a Ukrainian girl, you have to change your drinking habits. Addiction to alcohol is the last thing that Ukrainian women want to see in their foreign partners. Of, course you probably do not think about yourself as an alcoholic. But even coming home tipsy once a week might be a warning sign for your significant other. They know what it can turn into later on. Sometimes you go out just because you do not want to disappoint your friends. For different reasons men often want to keep their girlfriends apart from the other people that they associate with. If you like to spend a lot of time with your friends, it is not a good idea to leave your girlfriend out of it. It will strongly increase the distance between two of you and she might feel very lonely. Of course, there is no point in pretending that you are not drinking if this is the way how you like to relax sometimes. Honesty is the main part of the relationship and nothing is worth lying to your partner.


Don’t be a workaholic

Ukrainian girls are very respectful when it comes to the man’s work. However, remember that if you want to have a successful relationship, you have to balance time between your business and your significant other. Try avoid taking work home or staying after hours. Oftentimes, women interprete it as a decline in guys’ interest towards them, and Ukrainian ladies tend to think like that as well. Remember, that even if you are really excited about what you are doing, your girlfriend might not be equally interested in the topic. It does not mean that you should not talk about your career at all. If she asks you questions about your work – be willing to share it with her.

Building a relationship is not that hard if you are aware what makes your partner happy and which bttons better not to push. Ukrainian women are great girlfriends and wives, you just have to get to know them.

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